“I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?”

The flash, the crash, the roar. This pitter and patter of swollen drops, and oh, so much more. This cacophony of nature, that is what I live for.

Hello out there everyone! What a most splendid evening, wouldn’t you say? I’m so calm, and happy, and peaceful in this moment. I’m sitting here, drinking a chocolate protein shake, listening to the monsoon season start it’s long awaited Orchestra, and watching the ripple of lightning dance across the sky, silhouetting the vast, pouring sky. And in this moment, I could for, nor am I in want, of anything else. A desert thunderstorm is a beautiful representation of life really. When the summer is at its hottest, and the trees, and plants, and flowers, are all beginning to wither and wilt, nature, in a display of its majestic power, intervenes, and in a screaming beauty, unleashes life, and light, and music. And just and in life, when things are getting bleak, and you begin to wither and wilt, there is always an intervention. This is what I will miss of my exile in the desert. The sudden explosions of rain, and thunder, and lightning. When I get to where I’m going, I will look back on these years, the pages of my life, and smile.

I suppose while I am here, I should mention my sudden turn toward a healthy lifestyle. My typical day is as follows; Wake up at 6:00am, go running at the park between 6:15 and 7:00. Jog back, drink Muscle Milk, eat a protein bar, do push ups, sit ups, and pull ups for an hour. Take a shower, and begin with my day. I find that by taking as little time ad possible between waking up, and starting working out, I have next to no time to talk myself out of it. Also, by working out before I do anything else, I have no need for coffee anymore. My diet is fairly simple. Breakfast- Protein shake and protein bar, roughly 47g of protein. Lunch- a big salad, getting into my system any vitamins or minerals not in my breakfast. Dinner- some type of meat, and vegetables, along with another protein bar, around 30g of protein. All in all, it’s working pretty well. I don’t want to overload on protein, because that can lead to chronic dehydration, kidney problems, etc. Instead, I want to take in just enough to rebuild muscle after each work out. I’ve been drinking so much water, which is probably the least fun part of it all, because I constantly have to pee. I’ve noticed some small gains so far, mostly in my chest and biceps. I’ve always, no matter my activity level, had fairly muscular, lean thighs, so I don’t expect much to change there. That’s about all I have to say for myself at the moment, so I bid you all a good night, and an even better tomorrow! Stay amazing, my beautiful people.